Skills Canada Alberta Member Application


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Confirm Email Consent

Confirm your consent to continue receiving email from Skills Canada Alberta

Skills Canada Alberta is committed to its nonprofit mission of providing a critical link between employers, educators, labour groups and the government to reposition trade and technical careers as a first choice career option for youth in Alberta.

Our e-newsletter provides important information and updates regarding our activities and competitions including registration dates or announcements of new programs or Skills community stories. In compliance with Canada’s anti-spam legislation (CASL), we must ensure that we have your express consent to continue receiving these email communications.

To provide your consent to continue receiving email from Skills Canada Alberta, please ensure the CASL, Receive Notifications is checked, or uncheck the check box to opt-out of receiving our newsletter. With this single field, your consent or rejection will be confirmed. Your assigned PTC Chair can always go into your account settings and change this value at a later date.

Please note, if you choose not to provide express consent at this time, you may, under limited circumstances, still receive communications regarding activities you have registered for under the implied consent provisions of the legislation. However, this communication will not be inclusive to new programming.

Thank you for taking a moment to address this important matter.